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Learn more about some of the great organisations we support:

The Halo Project

The Halo Project Charity is a national project that will support victims of honour-based violence, forced marriages and FGM by providing appropriate advice and support to victims.

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The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) is the first and the only human rights NGO dedicated to promoting the right to a nationality and the rights of stateless people globally.

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Turkey Tribunal

In recent years, human rights violations have increasingly been reported in Turkey. Various international bodies and courts have confirmed this, sometimes even in very sharp terms. That is why we have taken the initiative to set up a “Turkey Tribunal.” The tribunal is not a legally binding body. But the ruling of the tribunal will have high moral authority.

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UK Welcomes Refugees

UK Welcomes Refugees is an organisation set up to build Community Sponsorship together with others and strengthen the Community Sponsorship movement.

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