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#BeARefugeeSponsor calls for the expansion and diversification of the UK Community Sponsorship resettlement scheme of Syrian refugees as the numbers of those displaced increases.

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According to Reporters Without Borders, 2018 was the most dangerous year on record to be a journalist. A total of 80 were murdered, 348 were imprisoned and a further 60 were taken hostage.

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#BrexitvsYourRights. Under the current UK Withdrawal Bill to exit the European Union Bill your rights are potentially at risk. IOHR tracks the impact on your human rights and raises awareness after this historical measure.

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#ItsNotAMatch campaign aims at raising awareness against online sex trafficking by educating potential victims on the process of grooming as well as deterring this worldly crime by directly targeting online users that are exposed to potential sex victims.

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Press freedom watchdogs described Turkey as the worst jailer of journalists with more than two-hundred reporters and media professionals unjustly detained. President Erdoğan shut dozens of media outlets after ratifying an emergency decree in 2016.

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IOHR works with various NGOs to influence policymakers and the Home Office to provide a clearer and simpler set of processes for both refugees and businesses to follow in order to guarantee more inclusion of refugees in the UK workplace.

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There are currently 60 children, almost all under 12, born to UK nationals trapped in overcrowded unsafe refugee camps in North-East Syria. The UK government can rescue them from this peril and bring them home now.

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#NotBornARadical aims at preventing radicalism and countering extremism. IOHR focus on challenges of rehabilitation and reintegration programmes and how empowering the youth is key.

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